Valentines Day

valentines day, a day of love and mystery and sometimes sorrow. either dissapointment or joy are what lie on the minds of many. growing up mailboxes and candy hearts were what made a kid happy. now older something sentimental is what we long for.
'hey i'm gonna pick you up 6, you should dress up' is what i got text to me yesterday after work. so i waited in anticipation for the moment to arrive. the broadway dinner theatre was where we ended up. i had my suspicion of where luke was taking me, and i ended up correct, but nonetheless the suprise was still special.
we seemed to be the youngest ones there. the place was decorated beautifully, and they had an array of food which included a chocolate buffet, can anyone say yummm? for a couple hours we were entertained by actors and actresses performing short skits and improv.
in the midst of the crowd we spotted a very strange couple, the man was close to 60 years in age and the girl was jus that... a girl, close to her 20's; lets just say it made me think.
the coolest part of the night happened at the end of one skit. they were performing a comedy/modern day act of romeo and juliet. the man "directing" romeo and juliet said he didn't like the ending of it, and told them to make a new ending, a happy one. so once again juliet lies dead on the ground; meanwhile the actual boyfriend of the girl who is acting juliet walks on stage with a single rose. he apologizes for interrupting and he helps her to her feet and goes down on one knee and porposes to juliet! it was fricken sweet.
satisfaction is what followed me the rest of the way.
sounds soooo amazing! woot woot!
I feel as though that loss, when speaking of Romeo and Juliet, is integral to the stories, and perhaps lifes, character.
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