Lily of thought

so i got flowers last week, a stem of lily's; my favorite. one flower bloomed in a day and it was absolutely beautiful, and i waited in anticipation for the second to bloom. it still would not open even after a couple days. all of me wanted to tear it open, i knew so much hidden beauty was inside. what i discovered was that i, like many others long to be at our full bloom but it takes time and the proper nutrients and growth, and we're impatient. we are tender and we need care... and time. my second flower never bloomed, it died before it had a chance due to the coldness from the window.
i want to be the best, i'm not going to lie; but im not, im rather far from being perfect. however, i do know that i can grow, if i devote myself to falling in love with my Father.
I remember when you got flowers at bible school and you tried to hard to keep them alive because u wanted to use them at your wedding tee hee:)
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