How is it that you can go about the day not thinking about what life may bring or even about a certain gesture, or clueless wonder. BUt THEN, you place your head on your pillow and your head decides to bombard you with those thoughts you decided not to think about during the day.The thoughts of what is about to happen or what happened that day, or about that certain gesture or clueless wonder; causing you to lose sleep and wake up with a headache craving coffee just so you can share your enthusiasm with the tables you serve...... when the truth is you don't even like coffee, you just like to be awake. (and by you, I mean me. I just thought we could maybe share some mutual experiences)
What caused me to lose sleep last night was the anticipation of what is to come. The question is 'what IS to come'? I really have no clue. My parents are moving to the lake in one month which means I have to find a place to live in less than that. Should I work at camp? Should I do Street Invaders? Cause then I may have to drift until then; which is completely out of my comfort zone. For one I'm a private person who likes my private space; two I like having all my ducks in a row knowing what is to come and how I can plan for it, three I don't like asking people for things. Should I just move to some other city and just stay there until I go to Australia? Also I need to sell my car (anyone want to buy it?? Its beautiful and drives really fast). I need to figure out what to let go of and what to hold on to; half metaphorically half literally speaking.
I know this is God though. I have desired to live by faith for a long time, but never put myself out there to take that step. Now God is pushing me out there leaving me with no choice BUT to trust in Him. This is huge for me. I'm not used to being uncomfortable, and this is very uncomfortable.
For those of you who don't know, I bought a plane ticket to Australia. I have been wanting to do ywam for quite a while with Australia on my heart. I have applied and unapplied and I have questioned applying but still didn't go. So I decided that I would bite the bullet and buy a ticket so there was no chance of backing down. So I leave in September to Townsville Australia. Anyone want to come?? It will be great and life changing.
So on the other hand if anyone feels like taking me in between may 1 and middle of June, I'm all yours! he he.
What caused me to lose sleep last night was the anticipation of what is to come. The question is 'what IS to come'? I really have no clue. My parents are moving to the lake in one month which means I have to find a place to live in less than that. Should I work at camp? Should I do Street Invaders? Cause then I may have to drift until then; which is completely out of my comfort zone. For one I'm a private person who likes my private space; two I like having all my ducks in a row knowing what is to come and how I can plan for it, three I don't like asking people for things. Should I just move to some other city and just stay there until I go to Australia? Also I need to sell my car (anyone want to buy it?? Its beautiful and drives really fast). I need to figure out what to let go of and what to hold on to; half metaphorically half literally speaking.
I know this is God though. I have desired to live by faith for a long time, but never put myself out there to take that step. Now God is pushing me out there leaving me with no choice BUT to trust in Him. This is huge for me. I'm not used to being uncomfortable, and this is very uncomfortable.
For those of you who don't know, I bought a plane ticket to Australia. I have been wanting to do ywam for quite a while with Australia on my heart. I have applied and unapplied and I have questioned applying but still didn't go. So I decided that I would bite the bullet and buy a ticket so there was no chance of backing down. So I leave in September to Townsville Australia. Anyone want to come?? It will be great and life changing.
So on the other hand if anyone feels like taking me in between may 1 and middle of June, I'm all yours! he he.

Hey Renee,
Just wanted to say hi--it's been a long time...
I hope you get those ducks in a row! Although, it is good to hear that you are being taken out of your 'comfort zone', because I know that this means you are trying very hard to let God lead you. Have fun wherever you go! You are more than capable to do whatever is brought before you.
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