my mind is filled with memories of once was. tears well up in my eyes as i remenisce my dog harley. a dog that was in my mind, Superdog. i never knew that the decision of putting her down would be one of the most difficult decisions i have had to make in my 19 years of living. some might find me silly for being so emotionally attatched to a dog; she was family nonetheless, i will miss her. some don't have family, and their only loved one is their dog. i thank God for giving me a family; though my dog ment alot to me, i have family and friends who mean so much more; though my heart is filled with sorrow, i have family and friends to lean on.
so as i'm writing i want to keep the memories of harley alive in my mind, because like anyone i have memories that are priceless. These are some of my famorite things about her
~when she would go on a rampage and run around the yard in some kind of frenzy with a crazy look on her face
~how she would spend hours trying to catch wasps and grasshoppers, and most of the times she was victorious
~when she would 'nibble' instead of bite
~ when people thought she was a ferocious dog, when really she was a wimp... it made me feel tough
~ when she would pretend to ignore me
~when we used to play hide and seek just me and her
~ when she tried to jump on the trampline, and just wobble
~ how she was so afraid to poop where people could see her
~how she seemed to find the warmest spot to just lay in either the fireplace or the sun... it reminded me of me
~how she didnt like vegetables
~ the only time she peed was right on my bed, when i tried breaking in and she got too scared
~ the first time we got her we put her in the storage room when we left the house and she freaked out and we came home and found that she had gotten into the flour and there were paw prints all over the door
~ the way she'd protect me when my dad pretended to hurt me
~ the one time she had stolen Ryans whole steak from his plate off the table when no one was around
if you have any memories of my puppy, please add. cause we all know she was THEE coolest dog.

I love her like my own. I remember when we dressed her up in a bikini and she slept with us in the tent. I remember taking her to the vet and she farted. It was rank. I love Harley.
Im saddened. If you need me, call me okay.
I made an ode to Harley on my blog.
I didnt know your dog, but my guess is she was pretty cool.
Renee, I'm sorry to hear about Harley. The dog made an impact on me too. I can still remember it running away chasing rabbits when it was being given a walk. I'm sorry to hear about your loss, I hope your coping alright. My prayers are with you as always. Never forget your memories, relish them and enjoy them. God Bless.
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