Rude Awakening
This past week has been weird for me, but also a rude awakening. Harley was put down friday and my parents left saturday to go see my sister. loneliness can be a strange and horrifying thing. I was afraid to be alone for the first time in my life, not afraid because of someone trying to break in and kill me, but just afraid of loneliness. Even now I have loud music playing to drown out the silence.

During the week, God has really tugged at my heart. He has spoken through the silence, by showing me my deepest need: Him; and I can't run or hide from it. My only hope is to run into His arms and find His strenghth. So now as I'm writing this out, I find a certain peace in the quiet.

In the silenceYou are speaking
In the quiet I can feel the fire
And it's burning, burning deeply
Burning all that it is that you desire to be silent, in me
-Jason Upton "In the Silence"
During the week, God has really tugged at my heart. He has spoken through the silence, by showing me my deepest need: Him; and I can't run or hide from it. My only hope is to run into His arms and find His strenghth. So now as I'm writing this out, I find a certain peace in the quiet.
Sometimes the best times place to be found is when you are lost and alone.
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