Thursday, October 18, 2007

prophecies on my birthday

You were a hitchhiker and you were picked up by Jesus and he’s really excited about this trip too
· Held out a list of the things you wanted to do
· He has a bonus list you for you too, things you haven’t thought about yet

Small bit of light on you
· This small bit of light will break the armor on people and show them the way out

intimacy… You’re going into a new level of intimacy and will happen really quick
· expect it tonight or tomorrow morning

· He’s making your interests exactly what he wants them to be

· To have friends who want to honor you and bless you in the circle
· Cherish it!
· We cherish you too!
o That’s not prophetic

· You’re on the right path, exactly where you’re supposed to be

· God using you as a diamond to cut through people’s guarded hearts

You had a red dress on
· You had a peace that wasn’t running out
· Like a long movie where you don’t have to worry, a love story
· Don’ t rush to the end, enjoy it while it goes

Elizabeth Miller saw: an angel tear drop figurine, didn’t know what it meant

There was an ocean hitting the rocks
· Little tiny diamond
· You’re the tiny little diamond, under a bunch of rocks
· God is melting
· Your passion is going to melt this way
· You’re an incredible gift to us

· It’s growing you
· The center is the tip that’s going to be there sometime
· God will use this to grow you out
· God’s blessings remain on you

Connect the dots…
· The heavens and the stars were the dots
· You were getting lost in his intimacy
· All the cares were going away
· It was an intimate time with you and the father

You are a royal princess before God
· You’re like Sara, a woman of faith
· Sara had a child late in her age, BUT don’t look around and continue to look at God
o God is saying you’re going to birth something great, that it’s going to be phenomenol
o Sara was the mother of a nation like Abraham was the father of a nation
§ There’s going to be laughter and joy in that child, in what God is bringing forth in your life to the nations

A white rose blooming
· You’re the rose and it’s your heart and it keeps opening more and more and breathing into you
o He’s satisfied with your love, he’s satisfied with breathing into you

God said, “I love her, I love her!”
· God’s opening you up to receive more and more

Your life will be a fragrance of the bride of the church
· People will be hit with the mindset of the bride
· And how God’s come to us
· The love of our intimacy to God will be in your lips and in your walk

Really big mountain covered in snow and there’s a tree line
· Then at the cloud line
· The white top peak was sticking out of the mountain
· Finally you’ll come out of the trees
· The trees were an obstacle in your life to get free from
· The clouds made it difficult for you to see
· As you come out of the clouds it gets clearer and you got to the summit and it was so high that you couldn’t breathe because there was no oxygen left
· You have to rely on God in every place in your life and when you get past one and rely on God you’ll be able to breathe when you get to the top

You are a Mary, sitting at the feet of Jesus with a huge alabaster jar
· It’s no question for you and that jar was her life
· The value of that was a year’s wage/dowry
· And she broke it at the feet of Jesus
· Jesus said, “That’s my Mary.”
o Jesus said, “you’re already there darling.”
· You’re one of the most desperate Marys
· People around you criticized her/you, but Jesus said, “that’s my girl!”
· You’re under Jesus’ wings and he’s very defensive and protective over you and he just delights in you

You’re a story book princess
· Even though you feel trapped in a tower
· He’s going to slay the dragon and sweep you off your feet
· There’s going to be a perfect ending

Don’t hold back
· He’s building you up for relationships
· You’re about to become more vulnerable
· Don’t hold back, it’s about to become a treasure

year that Jesus is going to romance you
· Your heart is longing to be romanced
· He’s going to show you romance
· He’s going to fill those deep desires in your heart
· Diamond… this year is God is going to unveil your beauty
o You’re beautiful, but what God is going to unveil is even greater
o There’s a lot of favor in your life
o You’re going to go places because of this favor, places you didn’t think you could
o You’re going to meet people, and it’s because of what you bring

Sharp diamond
· Beating diamond is your heart

You draw people with your purity, innocence, beauty
· People are drawn, people want good things from you from the purity and innocence and beauty
· That childlike heart, God loves it

White rose opening up and it was purity

· You’re an Esther, you have a lot of favor
· You’ll stand in the gap for others and be a voice

Cherry tree and blossoms
· Someone saw a movie of this
· To go along with flowers, you’re going into a speedy season of blossoming

You’re like Katherine K.
· You’re desperate after Holy Spirit and guard your relationship with God

You like rivers and nature
Red is your color
I saw clouds above you with the sun shining brightly through them???
· Open heavens, you will see them soon
· Confirmed by Jessie

I saw doves and eagles
· You’re a dove with an olive branch

you like alphabets cereal
Very careful with who your heart, who you give it too
You have a very sensitive heart
I saw a volcano spewing fire
· represents the fire in your heart, it’s dormant now but will burst forth
· confirmed by Jessie

You have a very specific request for your husband, God hears and will honor your requests

Icicles dripping water on you
· Holy Spirit dripping on you

The rain’s my love my love for you
It’s falling falling down
Falling falling on your heart
It’s falling on your beautiful face
It’s fall down
The rain it’s falling down
The rain
The rain’s my love for you
The rain’s my love
Your face like a flower opens up
The rain
The rain
Opens up
Opens up
I love how your face opens up to me
The rain
The rain
It’s light now
It’s light now
The rain it’s light now
The rain it’s sun now
Falling falling down
The rain’s falling down
Washing your tears away
Washing your tears away

You are my desert rose 2x
You’re not alone 2x
You are my desert rose 2x
There’s an ocean in the sky above you, you will not be dry 2x
There’s wells beneath the cracks under your toes

you’re my desert rose
and ilve loved you for so long
you’re my desert rose
you turn this desert into an oasis
an oasis
you’re my sweet oasis

(you’re my garden, open up to me like a garden)

An easy walk
All anointings, give her a double portion
No worrying
Just be herself
It’s so easy
Thank you Lord that you delight so much in her
He desires you much more than you desire him


Blogger Unknown said...

You have a beautiful future ahead of you! God bless you.

1:51 AM  

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