
Well its 11:30 and I can't really sleep. Many things run through my mind, it seems to be the theme lately. Right now my life seems so surreal. Surreal in a good way. I feel like my heart has come alive and that I'm going through the biggest learning time so far. God has awaken so many desires in my heart and I have come to a point where I can fully trust Him with them. Many people are constantly swimming and struggling to break through the water just to breath a breath of fresh air, I feel like I'm breathing in lungs full of new air and I can't get enough of it. I see the sky now and the sunsets look so much better on top. It wasn't easy though and it isn't easy, I have to constantly pick up my cross and make a decision that I will trust and Love God no matter how I may feel. And heck I'm no where near perfect but I'm also learning about God's unconditional love. To sum up everything I'm learning I'll leave you with a few words; trust, obedience, wisdom, dreams, faith, dilegence, and selfless love; the biggest one is finding my worth and confidence in God alone.